Dark Chocolate
Home / Our Products / Signature Celebration Cake / Dark Chocolate
Home / Our Products / Signature Celebration Cake / Dark Chocolate
Our top-selling flavour; perfect for any chocolate lover.
Rich, dark (but not bitter) earl-grey infused ganache takes this decadent fudge cake to a whole new level!
Cake: Fudgy chocolate
Frosting: Earl-grey dark chocolate ganache
Decorations: Dark Chocolate Drip, Dark Chocolate Shards, Callebaut Crispearl Dark, Callebaut Crispearl White, Tiny Sprinkles, Gold-dusted Cacao Nibs
*Please note that this is a ganache cake. For best texture & cutting, ganache cake should be consumed at room temperature.
Available in the following sizes:
4.5″, 6-8 servings
4.5” (extra tall), 10-12 servings
6″, 12-18 servings
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